Drama Therapy Group for Adults 18+. This group is for anyone who is seeking to better support their mental wellness through creative, embodied and somatic practices. Unique to this group is the continuation of trauma processing without having to speak directly about your personal history. This offering is best for those who have been in therapy before.
8 weeks | $60 per session
Our Wellness Community | Wed.Feb. 7th - Wed. March 27th
6:00PM-7:30PM CST
For questions, please email contact@openhaustherapy.com
Drama Therapy Workshop for Mental Healthcare Professionals and Associates, Counseling Students and other helping professions.
8 weeks | $60 per session
Virtual | Tues. Feb. 6th - Tues. March 26th
12:00-1:30PM CST
This experiential drama therapy workshop is to support the needs of wellness professionals. Participants will experience the benefits of drama therapy, while also learning more about the modality in infuse into their own practice.
For questions, please email contact@openhaustherapy.com